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Vemox 500 500mg (30 kapslar)


500mg (30 kapslar) of Amoxicillin Zee Drugs

Artikelnr: 665 Kategori: Tagg: Product ID: 261


Antibiotic Amoxicillin is a combined preparation that refers to a wide range of effects on various types of bacterial microflora.

The lack of a pharmacological agent is its high degree of susceptibility to destruction by penicillinase.
This enzyme produces some types of bacteria to protect its cell walls from decomposition under the influence of antibacterial agents.


Pharmacological instruction

As the official instruction on the use of amoxicillin, the drug has resistance to the action of hydrochloric acid of gastric juice. As a consequence, almost complete assimilation of the active substance of the antibacterial agent is achieved. Caution should be exercised when dosing because of possible overdoses due to negligence.

When ingested tissue of the human body, amoxicillin begins to actively develop transpeptidase, due to the effect of which the production of protein compounds in the cellular structures of bacteria is disrupted. This makes the reproduction and growth of the bacterial flora impossible. Disintegration of bacterial cells occurs with the release of a large number of toxins into the blood. This can provoke a short-term deterioration of the patient’s condition in the first 12 to 24 hours after the initiation of therapy.

In the course of clinical trials, the negative effect of the drug on the following forms of pathogenic microflora was revealed:

  • Staphylococcus strains that do not produce penicillinase;
  • Streptococci of all types;
  • Salmonella;
  • Shigella;
  • Klebsiella;
  • Other forms of aerobic bacteria.

You can take the drug at any time, regardless of the use of food. They have no effect on the mechanism of penetration of the components of the drug into the bloodstream. After taking a suspension, amoxicillin tablets or kapslar, the maximum concentration level of the active ingredient is reached after 2 hours. After 5 hours, amoxicillin is found in virtually all physiological fluids and tissues of the human body. The most accessible concentrations are formed in the pleural cavity, pericardium, soft tissues, alveoli, mucous membranes of the lungs, bronchi and the oral cavity. Easily penetrates the abdominal cavity, female genitalia, urine and bile. This determines the possible indications for the use of . Inaccessible media for this antibiotic are the meninges and the spinal cord. In these tissues amoxicillin can penetrate only in concentrations of up to 20 percent. This amount is insufficient to affect the pathogenic microflora that causes encephalitis, meningitis, and archnoiditis. For these forms of illness, the drug is not recommended for use except in extreme cases. From the body, the drug is excreted by the kidneys and liver in a virtually unchanged form.


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