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Testorapid (ampul) 10ml ampul (100mg/ml)


10ml ampull (100mg/ml) of Testosterone propionate Alpha Pharma

Artikelnr: 580 Kategori: Taggar: , Product ID: 179


Pharmachologic effect Testorapid (ampull)

It has significant androgenic and anabolic activity (regulates the function of the male sex glands and protein synthesis). The anabolic activity of TestoRapid is 100% of testosterone. High androgenic activity is 100%. High aromatization. Low toxicity for the liver.

Effects of taking Alpha-Pharma Testorapid (ampull):
– Muscle mass increases
– Fat burning occurs
– Improves the relief
– Strength indicators increase
– Increased libido
– Reduces the risk of cardiac ischemia and coronary heart disease
– Ability not to hold water in the body
– Is universal in that it can be used both during drying and for weight gain

Alpha-Pharma Testorapid (ampull) has small cons:

  • Short action time. As a result, injections must be done every other day
  • Compared with other drugs, a fairly high cost

The active substance Alpha-Pharma TestoRapid, , is one of the oldest and most popular steroids on the market. Synthesized it closer to the middle of the 20th century, and almost immediately the first drug on its basis came on the market. At that time propionate was used exclusively for medical purposes to treat various male, and not only, diseases. In consequence, the steroid was found out in sports, where it is mainly used today, although it has not lost its medical use.


What is remarkable about Alpha-Pharma TestoRapid?

First of all, note that this is a super effective steroid agent with very high anabolic and corresponding androgenic activity. Alpha-Pharma is an elite quality and power.


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