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Trenbolin (ampul) 10ml ampul (250mg/ml)


10ml ampull (250mg/ml) of Trenbolone enanthate Alpha Pharma

Artikelnr: 598 Kategori: Tagg: Product ID: 211


Trenbolin (ampull) can often be found on muscle mass training courses, so it is especially appreciated in a direction such as bodybuilding.

Initially, the drug was used in veterinary medicine to increase appetite and weight of animals. The main active substance of the steroid is trenbolone enanthate, which refers to long esters. It is 5 times stronger than testosterone, since androgenic and anabolic activity is 500%. This is Trenbolin (ampull) a very large indicator, so you need to use the farm strictly according to regulations.

Trenbolone enanate is a long ether of trenbolone. Perfectly suited for massoburnyh cycles, as it gives an increase in quality muscle mass and a tangible increase in strength. Despite the fact that trenbolone is 5 times “stronger” than testosterone, androgenic side effects are almost not expressed – oily skin, acne, alopecia are not too frequent and mostly depend on individual propensity to the given phenomena.

Trenbolone is 5 times Trenbolin (ampull) more powerful than testosterone – androgenic and anabolic indexes of 500% of testosterone! It is logical to assume that to achieve the effect of 500 mg trenbolna per week should be put 2.5 grams of testosterone.

A closer look at the benefits of trenbolone


Effective dosages of  300-400 mg per week, more advanced and experienced athletes are suitable dosage of 500-600 mg per week.
The recommended dosage is 300 mg to 800 mg per week.



Trenbolone enanthate is perfectly combined with Testosterone, Boldenone, Drostanolone and Trenbolin (ampull) oral AAS.


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